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Best ever seeds store-Alliance of Native Seed Keepers


Despite the fact that the vast majority of our clients think of us as a seed company, we are truly a revolution. We chose to create a Benefit Corp/seed store to help fund the work of our people, tribes, and fellow Native Seed Keepers after years of relentless effort for indigenous rights, environmental protection, food, and health security, and more. It’s a lot of effort, and we’re still laying the groundwork. With every purchase you make, you help us get closer to our desire for ourselves.

The Alliance of Native Seed Keepers envisions a future in which native groups enjoy food security, culture, health, environmental protection,  justice, and unity.

We re-establish our people’s spiritual ties to the seeds, which teach us how to be more environmentally,  economically, culturally, and wellness

Rare, heirloom seeds pave the way for revolution

Despite the fact that the vast majority of our clients think of us as a rare and heritage seed supplier, we are actually sowing the seeds of revolution! We decided to create a Benefit Corporation in the shape of a garden seed store after years of relentless struggle for indigenous rights, environmental protection, food and health security, and more. Our hope is that our seed store will contribute to the funding of our people’s, tribal countries, and other Native Seed Keepers’ efforts. It’s a lot of effort, and we’re still laying the groundwork, but every purchase you make helps us get closer to our objectives.

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Two important seed sanctuaries are maintained by the Alliance of Native Seed Keepers. Although both sanctuaries provide rare heirloom seeds, their missions are vastly different. The refuge is open to the public and can be found on our website in our garden seed store! Its objective is to assist in the funding of research, education, resources, and other costs associated with the upkeep of the other seed sanctuary. The other is a collection of rare ancestral seeds, many of which are hundreds to thousands of years old! Many of these seeds were taken from indigenous societies or were on the verge of extinction in various ways.

Final wording

“Agricultural production and seeds are the foundations on which our lives are built.” researchers must safeguard this foundation as a genetically stable soap2day and safe source for future generations. We guarantee that we will not knowingly buy or sell genetically altered seeds or plants for the benefit of all farmers, gardeners, and customers seeking an alternative. Mechanical transmission of genetic material outside of normal reproductive mechanisms and between genera, families, or kingdoms entails significant biological dangers as well as economic, political, and cultural risks. We believe that genetically altered cultivars were not thoroughly vetted before being released to the public. More study and testing are required to fully assess the dangers of genetically altered seeds. In addition, researchers want to encourage agricultural growth that results in healthier soils, genetically diversified agricultural ecosystems, and, ultimately, healthy communities around the world ifvod.”

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